Ni chaiff y dyfroedd maith

(Braint y saint)
Ni chaiff y dyfroedd maith
  Ddim rhwystro'n taith yn mlaen,
Fe grona'r dwr,
    fe hyllt pob bryn,
  Fe ddiffydd grym y tân:
Nid oes a fedd fath fraint
  A'r saint o dan y nef,
Hwy gânt eu dwyn
    trwy lif a thân
  Yn union ato ef.

Ni deithiwn yn y blaen,
  Cawn wel'd y Ganaan wiw,
A gwledda gyda'r dorf sy'n un,
  A'u gynau'n wyn eu lliw;
Cawn fyn'd i mewn i'w plith,
  Ac yfed byth o'u hedd;
Anfeidrol gariad perffaith gwiw,
  Tragwyddol yw y wledd.
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (Samuel Roberts) 1841

[Mesur: MBD 6686]

  Fe 'nillodd Iesu'r dydd
  I'r Iesu boed y clod
  Mae yr Iorddonen fawr
  'Rwy'n ofni'm nerth yn ddim

(The privilege of the saints)
The vast waters shall not get
  To frustrate our journey onwards,
The water will dam up,
    every hill will split,
  The force of the fire will extinguish:
Nothing shall possess such a privilege
  As the saints under heaven,
They shall get brought
    through flood and fire
  Straight to him.

We shall travel onwards,
  We shall see the worthy Canaan,
And feast with the throng who are as one,
  With their robes of white colour;
We shall get to go in their midst,
  And drink forever from their peace;
The immeasurable, perfect, worthy, eternal
  Love is their feast.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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